Joker Pickleball

Realizations gallery: Benefits: INSTALLATION: Fast and Easy MAINTENANCE COSTS: Zero LOW COST: Excellent Quality/Price Ratio EXISTING SURFACES: Ideal to be installed on existing floors without removing it SPECIFICATIONS: Antibacterial, resistant to detergents and UV protection 100% Recyclable Technical Specifications: MATERIAL: Polypropylene (PP) & Plastic Belnds PRODUCTION: 100% Made in Italy DIMENSIONS: 30,50 cm x 30,50 […]

Joker Sport Outdoor

Joker Sport Outdoor

Realizations gallery: Benefits: Installation: Fast and Easy Maintenance Costs: Zero Low Costs: Excellent Quality/Price Ratio Existing Surfaces: Ideal to be installed on existing floors without removing it Specifications: Antibacterial, resistant to detergents and UV protection Technical Specifications: Material: Polypropylene (PP) Production: 100% Made in Italy Dimensions: 30,30 cm x 30,30 cm x 1,50 cm Structure: […]

Acrylic Resin

acrylic resin multisport court flooring basketball playground

Benefits: Tested High Quality: Complies with the European standard UNE -EN 14877:2006 designed for “synthetic surfaces for outdoor sport areas ” and the European standard UNE-EN 14904:2006 for ” Indoor Surfaces for Multisports use.” High Strenght and Durability: Excellent Quality/Price Ratio Existing Surfaces: Ideal to be installed on existing floors without removing it Specifications: Antibacterial, […]

Sottofondo Landscape

Gallery realizzazioni: Benefici: Facile da installare Migliora il drenaggio Meno costi di manutenzione Protezione dell’erba artificiale Più comfort Testato e certificato per due diversi sistemi Dimensioni Sottofondo Landscape: Sistemi: Prodotti simili:

Sottofondo Sportivo

Gallery realizzazioni: Materiale: Riciclato post industriale Protezione UV Limitata Specifiche: DIMENSIONE: 753 mm x 566 mm x 22 mm (1 pannello 0,426 mq) PESO: 1,93 Kg per pannello – 4,55 Kg a mq STRUTTURA: Celle ad Esagono SISTEMA ANTI-SCIVOLAMENTO: Min 571 piedini per pannello SISTEMA AGGANCIO: a click Test: GMAX: 137 CAPACITA’ CARICO: 374 psi  […]

Joker Sport Tennis

joker sport tennis court low cost flooring

Realizations gallery: Benefits: INSTALLATION: Fast and Easy MAINTENANCE COSTS: Zero LOW COST: Excellent Quality/Price Ratio EXISTING SURFACES: Ideal to be installed on existing floors without removing it SPECIFICATIONS: Antibacterial, resistant to detergents and UV protection Technical Specifications: MATERIAL: Polypropylene (PP) PRODUCTION: 100% Made in Italy DIMENSIONS: 30,30 cm x 30,30 cm x 1,50 cm STRUCTURE: […]