Joker Floors and Rocket Puck announce their worldwide partnership

joker floors rocket puck partnership

Creativity, innovation, experience, technology, and passion: Joker Floors, brand of inline hockey and sports floors, and Rocket Puck, worldwide leader in roller hockey puck distribution, enter a partnership aimed at improving playing experience in their markets.

Rocket Puck will provide their pucks to be included with Joker Floor’s Hockey Box Kit, and Joker Floors will supply their kits to Rocket Puck for the distribution in the US market.

“Our goal is to support Inline Hockey’s players all over the world to train and pursue their passion at home”, stated Marco Peruzzi, CEO of Joker Floors. “Innovative companies that fully share our passion for the sport is what we look for in a partner, and Rocket Puck is definitely one of them. Together, we are ready to develop this collaboration in the next few years, stepping into new areas of activity and shared projects, promoting creativity and innovation.”

“We are proud to announce this partnership with Joker Floors”, said Eddie Limbaga, President and CEO of Rocket Puck. “Rocket Puck has always been the primary puck used in Roller Hockey Events worldwide, and therefore, Joker Floors is the ideal partner for developing a new Inline Hockey partnership. The puck and the floor are the two main Hockey elements together with the stick and individual technique.”

The agreement has been developed to effectively join the resources of the two companies, as to maximize the core strengths of both brands. From one side, Joker floors brings in the experience on technical sports flooring for Inline Hockey; and from the other side, Rocket Puck brings in its competence and experience in the Roller Hockey Events worldwide. The main common ground for the two companies is the importance given to creativity, Inline Hockey improvement, and passion for the sport.

Joker Floors, based in Arezzo (Italy), manufactures, and distributes modular sporting floor solutions, specialized in Roller Hockey. Joker Floors has been on the market for over 10 years and is now implementing a worldwide growth strategy to cover the whole market, from the U.S. to Asia.

Joker Floors
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Rocket Puck
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